This is a side story to Toaru Majutsu no Index (A Certain Magical Index)
Set in Academy City, a technologically advanced academic city located at western Tokyo which studies scientifically advanced superhuman students with powers, this anime follows an electromaster called Misaka Mikoto and her friend with their lives in this amazing city.
Plot: Misaka Mikoto, despite being part of the most powerful espers in Academy City, also has a more carefree side to her life. She has to fend off constant "love attacks" from devoted friend and roommate Shirai Kuroko and she needs to maintain the image of being perfect as the Ace of Tokiwadai Middle School. However, with various problems arising in Academy City — both noticeable and out from plain sight — she moves as Academy City's unseen savior, using her powers to save people, loved ones and strangers alike. (Source: Toaru Wikia)
Characters: All of the main characters in this anime have very distinct personalities, and they have managed to bring that out qualities that allow us to understand the characters even further. An example would be Misaka, the protagonist. She is seen to be the third most powerful esper, however, she is just like any other girls. She takes it upon herself to solve problems, as she is one of the top tier espers.
Animation: One of the most amazing animation seen, even when compared to animes that are running now. Dust, rocks, wind, light, everything drawn to perfection.
I recommend this anime because of its perfect mix of comedy and seriousness.
On one side, we have Kuroko trying to get her way with Misaka, while on the other, we have Misaka fighting a huge monster.
And of course, also because the characters are cute :3
Score: 8.5/10
Whoa, the anime was awesome, the first episode was great. we will watch till the ending. Thanks for the best recommendation.